Wyckoff Hybrids is a company rooted in Christian values. Whether it’s building our product portfolio, producing the highest quality seed, cleaning, packaging, or working one on one with every one of our customers, we treat you like we would like to be treated. Matthew 22:39 “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

We have been independent and family-owned since LK Wyckoff started Wyckoff Hybrids in 1932. Persevering for more than 90 years has not been an easy feat. It takes zealous and committed people from all levels of our business. Focusing on the details in production, processing and picking the best possible products for our region has made this accomplishment possible. We understand what it takes to make a family business work and how important it is to keep family businesses going. Come see the advantages of working with a family-owned business that wants to help your family farm succeed.